No one makes brands. May be only the History itself. Leave the building if the agency promises to create a brand for you within a few months – seems like black magic).
Brands aren’t created, they occur. Happen. Thanks to plenty of factors: the product itself, service, time=trust, history and prominent values, which are backed up by actions, well-established communication, appropriate visual, development, etc. Invest not in brand, but in a Big idea. A brand is a result.
A brand is a mental construction, a track in the memory, and if you are lucky – in a heart. For this one needs getting into a market, availability, recognition, corporate culture. Since a brand begins with people who work under this banner. Can it be bought? Only create together, participate in history.
According to flashbacks described in “Shoe dog” (we like original name more than “Shoe seller”, because it’s it that contains a specific characteristic – a dog with shoes in its teeth – which means an expert in a shoe topic), a badge (swoosh) appeared before the word Nike as an identification on new experimental trainers. It is known that it cost $35 and was created by Caroline Davidson, a student of graphic design department in Portland National University. The tick didn’t impress Phil at first). The name for the company was created by the first worker. And it also didn't make much of an impression on Knight and was approved mainly due to short terms and lack of decent options. Knight’s option sounded as Dimension 6. But the idea of making shoeboxes carrot-red color shot instantly at the first show. Against the background of standard white ones, they started a fire.
Nowadays a good brand-making job on first step looks like a convenient constructor. This means that, let’s say, a new brand potentially has all the verbal and visual attributes to express its character and offer (not only a logo). Moreover, this is for expressing in a clear and original way. If a so-called brand book doesn’t give an image of how a new banner will look on a website, then you should order a new one)
By getting inspiration by an official site, you can come across an original 5-minute online game “Your move” » https://nike.gallery/yourmove/. Simple questions with multiple choice answers, which make you think about serious things). Corpculture and approach are skillfully woven in the comments after the answers.
Have a look at how organically different shifts fit together.
A hint: in the first question you have to click many times on a selected item to make the box with the answer full)